Nov 08, 2021Full Transcript
hey everybody Danny Maude here thanks for joining us this week I bring you to a unique place here I bring you to the desert why do I do this well I guess so many people are coming to me struggling with bunker player they're either Duffing the ball leaving in the bunker or thinning it over the back of the green and the earth often site yes poor technique but they often cite there's not enough sand in the bunker Danny I can't play those bunker shots I don't think there's too much sand in the bunkers I just can't play those shots question is how do you go about playing it we'll look at this place I've got every single possibility of sure I've got variety of lies I've got uphill down on lies you name it we're gonna cover it all in this week's training before I do that if you're new to this channel and this one of your first videos of mine please come and join the community so press that subscribe button and the bell and you get notified every time I release a video just like this one there are three things that you need to know when you're playing bunker shots you need to know where to enter the sand you know how to enter the Sun and third and finally you need to know how to exit the sand so let's get started how do you go back achieving this well let's start with initially the type of strike that we required when you're playing a bunker shot you do not want to be taking too much sand so let's let's talk about the in a sense the the debt that we're after we wonder when we're striking a bunker shot we want to be taking a slither of sand that is very little sand between the clubface and the ball why do we want that because you generate them the most amount of backswing for one so you got more control and finally it's a lot easier to control distance control if you're ticking a stack of sand you have to make sure you hit this ball incredibly hard to get any form of distance it's not that's not helpful whatsoever so what do you need to do what's that we set up in order to get this lovely shallowness right you're gonna need to do a couple of things we do not want the leading edge cutting into the sand whatsoever so we're going to use the bounce here well this is blunt really blown we want it gliding if you get the leading edge set up here with a square fist all you're gonna do is dig into this sand that's not what we're after so we're gonna open the face first I'm gonna open it wide up to the back of the club in literature on the glaring ground for you it might feel like this is crazy this is so exaggerated then we grip it what we don't do is open like this we open the face wide open then we grip it then what we're gonna do to help with this is I'm gonna lower myself into the sand here so I'm going to literally as that as that lays flat the club also lays flat look how it lowers down I need to now reach down to this okay the third thing in this setup here to help with this I'm going to imagine a swing that works much much more around why because a swing that comes up and down it's just going to take too much sand now if you've got compacts and really hard sand we might encourage a downward strike in the desert here we got stacks us and we're going to create more of a glide so bear that in mind first and you might want to come up a fraction softer sound we want to get this gliding action so we've got the open face we've got the lowered stance here bending the knees and we're going to create this feeling of working the club much much more around the body the fourth and final thing here is watch this I'm going to space really stretch out this angle here when I reduce raise almost my left hand a fraction here by not standing too close by just study a little bit further away and again this just stops the club flicking downwards okay there's your fourth and final thing to help this glide let's have a look at that just initially in action so I'm get myself set here I'm going to imagine a nice Glide
and then away we go nice and simple right so that's going to encourage you to get the gliding effects so next thing is entry point you can need to play around with how you are the club enters into the sand so we've got the glide but if you're gliding in you're entering the sand way back here that's not going to help whatsoever so what we then need to do is this I'm going to give you a simple drill after this so we get the ball position forward in our stance simple as that and what we want to do is you want to get the sternum here the body just probably about couple of inches behind here right so balls forward then what we're going to do is we're going to move that ball out of the way and we're going to test your ability to come through this line I'll hit this line and we want to hit the line and we want to basically create this glide so look at that I've hit the line up so that the on the money but if you start and you find that you're hitting the grip line miles behind fantastic least you've got some feedback now that you can actually learn from if you're not hitting the line at all right you're gonna start thinning the ball those are the shots where you're thinning the ball into into the the face of the bunker so simply practice moving up and down this line and just practice gliding through so I've got an a very little divot and I would practice this for quite a while you know when I first started this the the amount of sand would vary they wear a head it would vary so don't start hitting golf balls until you get a level of consistency of depth of sand from the lowness and how you've created step one and now the position ie where you sit in the Sun here just keep going backwards and forwards let's have a look at this in action the beauty of being in the desert by the way is I can hit the ball anywhere so so here we go so look at it so I'm going to literally get myself set
swing you feel I'm swinging more around nice shallow did
and away we go nice glide board pops absolutely beautifully let's have a look at now a couple of drills to really put this to the test so now we've got probably the hardest bug shot ever it's a downhill lie but a wonderful way for you to practice your entry point and a couple of things that we worked on in terms of getting that Club nice and shallow so get yourself set up here I'm gonna draw a line the entry point doesn't change but in order to hit it now you get your way and positionally is gonna naturally change if I stand with my weight feeling pretty even I'm going to end up probably hitting the Sun way behind cuz this bits higher yeah so what we're gonna do now is I going to get my weight favoring my left side and my lead foot here now if you've got a big steep Bank in front of you this is gonna feel pretty straight you feel I need to get some height unfortunately in this you're going to have to again get that face wide open and all we're gonna do initially is you're going to have to hit that line and just trust that you've got enough elevation we've got a practice first practice your entry point here we go entry point now I'm on the line fantastic that looks pretty good I'll do that one more time now if you find that you're not getting your entry points spot-on initially don't be worried about hitting golf balls initially just practice that remember your body is an absolute genius it's very clever it will naturally if you start hitting the ground we're behind here it will naturally start to move forward here I could tell you all this information about put your weight here etc but you'll find this out for yourself naturally by just using the line drill so and nothing yeah P let's just have a look at this downhill bunker shot in action here and away we go beautiful straight that one okay let's have a look at how you play uphill eyes and I pull eyes it's more about the exit how you exit the sound as opposed to the entry has to look at uphill so now I've got another lie and when you played an uphill lie the line look he's still in place I'm still trying to exit in the same place but now it's the entry points going to be piece of Cape or the exit point is the hardest bit a lot of people here they struggle with an upper light because they come down into that line here and they hit way too much sand what we try to do here is we're trying to hit the line yes but what we're trying to do is is we want to make sure that when they're coming through we're taking a slither of sand so we're getting the club gliding up the sand not getting it deep into the sand that won't get the ball out at all so let's have a look at this in action I'm going to again same principle balls forward in my stance I'm lowering the blades are completely flat I'm getting myself nice and rounded here I'm gonna Majan a gliding action but now I'm focusing more on my exit point so there's a line but I'm going to think than how the club comes out of the sand I up the Sun let's have a look at this in action here myself set very nice so look at this here again shallow divot through the sand here got a beautiful amount of elevation there all these things line drills here how are your entering the sand make a huge difference let's have a look and summarize exactly what you need to do and go where in practice so the Sun Goes Down as here in Dubai thank you so much for taking the time to watch this video and let me give you now a brief summary for what you need to do and go away and practice let's the first thing you need to get cracking is is you need to make sure that you're taking a nice shallow and mount of sand not no Sun a shallow amount how do you go about doing that well it starts initially in the basic set up make sure you've got the clubface wide open then you grip it to the back of the face is on the ground don't worry about the face aiming to the right because the when you lower the actual shaft the face will come actually is actually pointing the face with its called face plane till actually points closer to the target so you're going to open the face wide open you're going to lower yourself into the ground here like this you're going to stretch off this angle here you do this by standing a little bit further away and then I want you to visualize a more rounded Martian in your swing that's the setup now how you gonna practice which we should look very simple don't worry about hitting loads of golf balls just practice hitting a very small amount of sand just practice your glide if you start to kind of take loads of Sun like this then you know that you're coming down steep on it now yes if you're playing on wet sand more compact sand you might add some study to come up a little bit steeper and come down but general the and more rounded Martian will be far more beneficial and when you're doing this don't open your face feet wide up and keep them nice and square so once you've got the shell in this you then need to practice the entry point we said look how do you practice entry point very simply just draw a line here initially get yourself set up and you've now got the shallowness now you're going to make sure that you're striking the line in the place that you want to strike it if you find that striking it we're behind don't worry about it your body's clever it will start to make the subtle adjustments I know you might ask some questions like where should my weight be your weight will start to move naturally into its right place just in order to hit in the right spot don't make it complicated and finally we met it will exit point well or pill lies downhill lies go and practice them in exactly the same manner up hill lies are a great way you're going to make sure the exit point it's nice and shallow you're not coming into the sand and apart from that it's basically it does require some practice don't rush to the golf course and play quite tolerant to this go away and practice it and I'm sure you'll be much much better Bunker place you've got any questions don't hit them in the comments box below and of course look if you're one of your friends could do with a bunker lesson please share it until next week have a great golfing week